author:一佰互联 2019-04-27   click:134

文件锁全名叫 advisory file lock, 书中有提及。 这类锁比较常见,例如 mysql, php-fpm 启动之后都会有一个pid文件记录了进程id,这个文件就是文件锁。



kill -USR2 `cat /usr/local/php/var/run/`发送USR2信号给pid文件记录的进程,信号属于进程通信,会另开一个篇幅。

php的接口为flock,文档比较详细。先看一下定义,bool flock ( resource $handle , int $operation [, int &$wouldblock ] ).

  • $handle是文件系统指针,是典型地由 fopen() 创建的 resource(资源)。这就意味着使用flock必须打开一个文件。
  • $operation 是操作类型。
  • &$wouldblock 如果锁是阻塞的,那么这个变量会设为1.

需要注意的是,这个函数默认是阻塞的,如果想非阻塞可以在 operation 加一个 bitmask LOCK_NB. 接下来测试一下。

$pid_file = "/tmp/";$pid = posix_getpid();$fp = fopen($pid_file, "w+");if(flock($fp, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)){  echo "got the lock ";  ftruncate($fp, 0);   // truncate file  fwrite($fp, $pid);  fflush($fp);      // flush output before releasing the lock  sleep(300); // long running process  flock($fp, LOCK_UN);  // 释放锁定} else {  echo "Cannot get pid lock. The process is already up ";}fclose($fp);

保存为 process.php,运行php process.php &, 此时再次运行php process.php,就可以看到错误提示。flock也有共享锁,LOCK_SH.

互斥锁和读写锁sync模块中的Mutex:Mutex是一个组合词,mutual exclusion。用pecl安装一下sync模块, pecl install sync。 文档中的SyncMutex只有两个方法,lock 和 unlock, 我们就直接上代码测试吧。没有用IDE写,所以cs异常丑陋,请无视。

$mutex = new SyncMutex("UniqueName");for($i=0; $i<2; $i++){  $pid = pcntl_fork();  if($pid <0){    die("fork failed");  }elseif ($pid>0){    echo "parent process ";  }else{    echo "child process {$i} is born. ";    obtainLock($mutex, $i);  }}while (pcntl_waitpid(0, $status) != -1) {   $status = pcntl_wexitstatus($status);   echo "Child $status completed"; }function obtainLock ($mutex, $i){  echo "process {$i} is getting the mutex ";  $res = $mutex->lock(200);  sleep(1);  if (!$res){    echo "process {$i} unable to lock mutex. ";  }else{    echo "process {$i} successfully got the mutex ";    $mutex->unlock();  }  exit();}

保存为mutex.php, run php mutex.php, output is

parent process parent process child process 1 is born. process 1 is getting the mutex child process 0 is born. process 0 is getting the mutex process 1 successfully got the mutex Child 0 completedprocess 0 unable to lock mutex. Child 0 completed

这里子进程0和1不一定谁在前面。但是总有一个得不到锁。这里SyncMutex::lock(int $millisecond)的参数是 millisecond, 代表阻塞的时长, -1 为无限阻塞。

sync模块中的读写锁:SyncReaderWriter的方法类似,readlock, readunlock, writelock, writeunlock,成对出现即可,没有写测试代码,应该和Mutex的代码一致,把锁替换一下就可以。

sync模块中的Event:感觉和golang中的Cond比较像,wait()阻塞,fire()唤醒Event阻塞的一个进程。有一篇好文介绍了Cond, 可以看出Cond就是锁的一种固定用法。SyncEvent也一样。php文档中的例子显示,fire()方法貌似可以用在web应用中。


for($i=0; $i<3; $i++){  $pid = pcntl_fork();  if($pid <0){    die("fork failed");  }elseif ($pid>0){    //echo "parent process ";  }else{    echo "child process {$i} is born. ";    switch ($i) {    case 0:      wait();      break;    case 1:      wait();      break;    case 2:      sleep(1);      fire();      break;    }  }}while (pcntl_waitpid(0, $status) != -1) {   $status = pcntl_wexitstatus($status);   echo "Child $status completed"; }function wait(){  $event = new SyncEvent("UniqueName");  echo "before waiting. ";  $event->wait();  echo "after waiting. ";  exit();}function fire(){  $event = new SyncEvent("UniqueName");  $event->fire();  exit();}

这里故意少写一个fire(), 所以程序会阻塞,证明了 fire() 一次只唤醒一个进程。



pthread_mutex_lock (mutex) pthread_mutex_trylock (mutex) pthread_mutex_unlock (mutex) 


线程用pthread_mutex_lock()函数去锁定指定的mutex变量,若该mutex已经被另外一个线程锁定了,该调用将会阻塞线程直到mutex被解锁。pthread_mutex_trylock() will attempt to lock a mutex. However, if the mutex is already locked, the routine will return immediately with a "busy" error code. This routine may be useful in pthread_mutex_trylock().


  • 互斥量已经被解锁
  • 互斥量被另一个线程占用



#include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<pthread.h> typedef struct ct_sum {   int sum;   pthread_mutex_t lock; }ct_sum; void * add1(void *cnt) {      pthread_mutex_lock(&(((ct_sum*)cnt)->lock));   for(int i=0; i < 50; i++)   {    (*(ct_sum*)cnt).sum += i;     }   pthread_mutex_unlock(&(((ct_sum*)cnt)->lock));   pthread_exit(NULL);   return 0; } void * add2(void *cnt) {      pthread_mutex_lock(&(((ct_sum*)cnt)->lock));   for(int i=50; i<101; i++)   {       (*(ct_sum*)cnt).sum += i;    }   pthread_mutex_unlock(&(((ct_sum*)cnt)->lock));   pthread_exit(NULL);   return 0; }  int main(void) {  pthread_t ptid1, ptid2;   ct_sum cnt;   pthread_mutex_init(&(cnt.lock), NULL);   cnt.sum=0;    pthread_create(&ptid1, NULL, add1, &cnt);   pthread_create(&ptid2, NULL, add2, &cnt);     pthread_join(ptid1,NULL);   pthread_join(ptid2,NULL);  printf("sum %d", cnt.sum);  pthread_mutex_destroy(&(cnt.lock));   return 0; }

信号量sync模块中的信号量:SyncSemaphore文档中显示,它和Mutex的不同之处,在于Semaphore一次可以被多个进程(或线程)得到,而Mutex一次只能被一个得到。所以在SyncSemaphore的构造函数中,有一个参数指定信号量可以被多少进程得到。public SyncSemaphore::__construct ([ string $name [, integer $initialval [, bool $autounlock ]]] ) 就是这个$initialval (initial value)

$lock = new SyncSemaphore("UniqueName", 2);for($i=0; $i<2; $i++){  $pid = pcntl_fork();  if($pid <0){    die("fork failed");  }elseif ($pid>0){    echo "parent process ";  }else{    echo "child process {$i} is born. ";    obtainLock($lock, $i);  }}while (pcntl_waitpid(0, $status) != -1) {   $status = pcntl_wexitstatus($status);   echo "Child $status completed"; }function obtainLock ($lock, $i){  echo "process {$i} is getting the lock ";  $res = $lock->lock(200);  sleep(1);  if (!$res){    echo "process {$i} unable to lock lock. ";  }else{    echo "process {$i} successfully got the lock ";    $lock->unlock();  }  exit();}


  • sysvsem模块中的信号量
  • sem_get 创建信号量
  • sem_remove 删除信号量(一般不用)
  • sem_acquire 请求得到信号量
  • sem_release 释放信号量。和 sem_acquire 成对使用。
$key = ftok("/tmp", "c");$sem = sem_get($key);for($i=0; $i<2; $i++){  $pid = pcntl_fork();  if($pid <0){    die("fork failed");  }elseif ($pid>0){    //echo "parent process ";  }else{    echo "child process {$i} is born. ";    obtainLock($sem, $i);  }}while (pcntl_waitpid(0, $status) != -1) {   $status = pcntl_wexitstatus($status);   echo "Child $status completed"; }sem_remove($sem); // finally remove the semfunction obtainLock ($sem, $i){  echo "process {$i} is getting the sem ";  $res = sem_acquire($sem, true);  sleep(1);  if (!$res){    echo "process {$i} unable to get sem. ";  }else{    echo "process {$i} successfully got the sem ";    sem_release($sem);  }  exit();}

这里有一个问题,sem_acquire()第二个参数$nowait默认为false,阻塞。我设为了true,如果得到锁失败,那么后面的sem_release会报警告 PHP Warning:  sem_release(): SysV semaphore 4 (key 0x63000081) is not currently acquired in /home/jason/sysvsem.php on line 33, 所以这里的release操作必须放在得到锁的情况下执行,前面的几个例子中没有这个问题,没得到锁执行release也不会报错。当然最好还是成对出现,确保得到锁的情况下再release。此外,ftok这个方法的参数有必要说明下,第一个 必须是existing, accessable的文件, 一般使用项目中的文件,第二个是单字符字符串。返回一个int。


parent process parent process child process 1 is born. process 1 is getting the mutex child process 0 is born. process 0 is getting the mutex process 1 successfully got the mutex Child 0 completedprocess 0 unable to lock mutex. Child 0 completed