author:一佰互联 2019-04-27   click:165


<?php$pid = pcntl_fork();if($pid == -1){     //创建失败     die("could not fork");}else{    if($pid){        //从这里开始写的代码是父进程的        exit("parent!");    }    else{        //子进程代码,为防止不停的启用子进程造成系统资源被耗尽的情况,一般子进程代码运行完成后,加入exit来确保子进程正常退出。        exit("child");    }}?>

    上边的代码如果创建子进程成功的话,系统就有了2个进程,一个为父进程,一个为子进程,子进程的id号为$pid。在系统运行到$pid = pcntl_fork();时,在这个地方进行分支,父子进程各自开始运行各自的程序代码。代码的运行结果是parent 和child,很奇怪吧,为什么一个if和else互斥的代码中,都输出了结果?其实是像上边所说的,代码在pcntl_fork时,一个父进程运行parent,一个子进程运行了child。在代码结果上就显示了parent和child。至于谁先谁后的问题,这得要看系统资源的分配了。


 #如果获得的总数小于或等于0,等待60秒,并退出  if ($count <= 0)   {    sleep(60);    exit;  }  #如果大于1000,计算需要起的进程数  if ($count > 1000)  {    $cycleSize = ceil($count/1000);  }  else  {    $cycleSize = 1;  }    for ($i=0; $i<$cycleSize; $i++)  {    $pid  = pcntl_fork();    if($pid == -1)    {      break;    }    else    {      if($pid)      {        #父进程获得子进程的pid,存入数组        $pidArr[] = $pid;      }      else      {        //开始发送,子进程执行完自己的任务后,退出。          exit;      }    }  }    while(count($pidArr) > 0)  {    $myId  = pcntl_waitpid(-1, $status, WNOHANG);    foreach($pidArr as $key => $pid)    {      if($myId == $pid) unset($pidArr[$key]);    }  }




1. 直接方式

pcntl_fork() 创建一个进程,在父进程返回值是子进程的pid,在子进程返回值是0,-1表示创建进程失败。跟C非常相似。

测试脚本 test.php 

<?php  // example of multiple processes  date_default_timezone_set( "Asia/Chongqing");  echo "parent start, pid ", getmypid(), "" ;  beep();  for ($i=0; $i<3; ++$i){     $pid = pcntl_fork();      if ($pid == -1){         die ("cannot fork" );     } else if ($pid > 0){         echo "parent continue ";         for ($k=0; $k<2; ++$k){           beep();        }     } else if ($pid == 0){         echo "child start, pid ", getmypid(), "" ;         for ($j=0; $j<5; ++$j){           beep();        }         exit ;     }  }  // ***  function beep(){      echo getmypid(), "	" , date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", time()), "" ;     sleep(1);  }?>


#php -f test.php


parent start, pid 17931793  2013-01-14 15:04:17parent continue1793  2013-01-14 15:04:18child start, pid 17941794  2013-01-14 15:04:181794  2013-01-14 15:04:191793  2013-01-14 15:04:191794  2013-01-14 15:04:20parent continue1793  2013-01-14 15:04:20child start, pid 17951795  2013-01-14 15:04:2017931794        2013-01-14 15:04:212013-01-14 15:04:211795  2013-01-14 15:04:211794  2013-01-14 15:04:221795  2013-01-14 15:04:22parent continue1793  2013-01-14 15:04:22child start, pid 17961796  2013-01-14 15:04:221793  2013-01-14 15:04:231796  2013-01-14 15:04:231795  2013-01-14 15:04:231795  2013-01-14 15:04:241796  2013-01-14 15:04:241796  2013-01-14 15:04:251796  2013-01-14 15:04:26

从中看到,创建了3个子进程,和父进程一起并行运行。其中有一行格式跟其他有些不同,17931794                2013-01-14 15:04:212013-01-14 15:04:21因为两个进程同时进行写操作,造成了冲突。

2. 阻塞方式


$pid = pcntl_fork();if ($pid == -1){  ...} else if ($pid > 0){   echo "parent continue ";   pcntl_wait($status);   for ($k=0; $k<2; ++$k){     beep();  }} else if ($pid == 0){   ...}


#php -f test.php


parent start, pid 18071807  2013-01-14 15:20:05parent continuechild start, pid 18081808  2013-01-14 15:20:061808  2013-01-14 15:20:071808  2013-01-14 15:20:081808  2013-01-14 15:20:091808  2013-01-14 15:20:101807  2013-01-14 15:20:111807  2013-01-14 15:20:12parent continuechild start, pid 18091809  2013-01-14 15:20:131809  2013-01-14 15:20:141809  2013-01-14 15:20:151809  2013-01-14 15:20:161809  2013-01-14 15:20:171807  2013-01-14 15:20:181807  2013-01-14 15:20:19child start, pid 18101810  2013-01-14 15:20:20parent continue1810  2013-01-14 15:20:211810  2013-01-14 15:20:221810  2013-01-14 15:20:231810  2013-01-14 15:20:241807  2013-01-14 15:20:251807  2013-01-14 15:20:26


3. 非阻塞方式


<?php  // example of multiple processes  date_default_timezone_set( "Asia/Chongqing");  declare (ticks = 1);  pcntl_signal(SIGCHLD, "garbage" );  echo "parent start, pid ", getmypid(), "" ;  beep();  for ($i=0; $i<3; ++$i){     $pid = pcntl_fork();      if ($pid == -1){         die ("cannot fork" );     } else if ($pid > 0){         echo "parent continue ";         for ($k=0; $k<2; ++$k){           beep();        }     } else if ($pid == 0){         echo "child start, pid ", getmypid(), "" ;         for ($j=0; $j<5; ++$j){           beep();        }         exit (0);     }  }  // parent  while (1){      // do something else     sleep(5);  }  // ***  function garbage($signal){      echo "signel $signal received" ;            while (($pid = pcntl_waitpid(-1, $status, WNOHANG))> 0){         echo "	 child end pid $pid , status $status" ;     }  }  function beep(){      echo getmypid(), "	" , date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", time()), "" ;     sleep(1);  }?>


#php -f test.php &


parent start, pid 20662066  2013-01-14 16:45:34parent continue2066  2013-01-14 16:45:35child start, pid 20672067  2013-01-14 16:45:3520662067        2013-01-14 16:45:362013-01-14 16:45:362067  2013-01-14 16:45:37parent continue2066  2013-01-14 16:45:37child start, pid 20682068  2013-01-14 16:45:372067  2013-01-14 16:45:382068  2013-01-14 16:45:382066  2013-01-14 16:45:38parent continue2066  2013-01-14 16:45:40child start, pid 20692069  2067  2013-01-14 16:45:402013-01-14 16:45:402068  2013-01-14 16:45:402066  2013-01-14 16:45:412069  2013-01-14 16:45:412068  2013-01-14 16:45:41signel 17 received     child end pid 2067, status 02069  2013-01-14 16:45:422068  2013-01-14 16:45:422069  2013-01-14 16:45:43signel 17 received     child end pid 2068, status 02069  2013-01-14 16:45:44signel 17 received     child end pid 2069, status 0

多个进程又并行运行了,而且运行大约10秒钟之后,用 ps -ef | grep php 查看正在运行的进程,只有一个进程lqling    2066  1388  0 16:45 pts/1    00:00:00 php -f t5.php是父进程,子进程被回收了。


pcntl_waitpid(-1, $status, WNOHANG) $status




编写脚本 test1.php 

<?php  date_default_timezone_set( "Asia/Chongqing");  $tasks = array(     "http://localhost/feedbowl/t2.php?job=task1",     "http://localhost/feedbowl/t2.php?job=task2",     "http://localhost/feedbowl/t2.php?job=task3"  );  $mh = curl_multi_init();  foreach ($tasks as $i => $task){     $ch[$i] = curl_init();     curl_setopt($ch[$i], CURLOPT_URL, $task);     curl_setopt($ch[$i], CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);     curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $ch[$i]);  }  do {$mrc = curl_multi_exec($mh,$active); } while ($mrc == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM);  while ($active && $mrc == CURLM_OK) {     if (curl_multi_select($mh) != -1) {      do {$mrc = curl_multi_exec($mh, $active); } while ($mrc == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM);     }  }  // completed, checkout result  foreach ($tasks as $j => $task){     if (curl_error($ch[$j])){       echo "task ${j} [$task ] error " , curl_error($ch[$j]), "" ;     } else {       echo "task ${j} [$task ] get: " , curl_multi_getcontent($ch[$j]), "" ;     }  }?>

编写脚本 test2.php 

<?php  date_default_timezone_set( "Asia/Chongqing");  echo "child start, pid ", getmypid(), "" ;  for ($i=0; $i<5; ++$i){     beep();  }  exit (0);  // ***  function beep(){    echo getmypid(), "	" , date("Y-m-d H:i:s" , time()), "";    sleep(1);  }?>


#php -f test1.php &


task 0 [http://localhost/feedbowl/t2.php?job=task1] get:child start, pid 58045804  2013-01-15 20:22:355804  2013-01-15 20:22:365804  2013-01-15 20:22:375804  2013-01-15 20:22:385804  2013-01-15 20:22:39task 1 [http://localhost/feedbowl/t2.php?job=task2] get:child start, pid 58045804  2013-01-15 20:22:355804  2013-01-15 20:22:365804  2013-01-15 20:22:375804  2013-01-15 20:22:385804  2013-01-15 20:22:39task 2 [http://localhost/feedbowl/t2.php?job=task3] get:child start, pid 58045804  2013-01-15 20:22:355804  2013-01-15 20:22:365804  2013-01-15 20:22:375804  2013-01-15 20:22:385804  2013-01-15 20:22:39
