author:一佰互联 2019-04-28   click:174



//// save an array as tab seperated text file//function write_tabbed_file($filepath, $array, $save_keys=false){  $content = "";  reset($array);  while(list($key, $val) = each($array)){    // replace tabs in keys and values to [space]    $key = str_replace("	", " ", $key);    $val = str_replace("	", " ", $val);    if ($save_keys){ $content .= $key."	"; }    // create line:    $content .= (is_array($val)) ? implode("	", $val) : $val;    $content .= "";  }  if (file_exists($filepath) && !is_writeable($filepath)){     return false;  }  if ($fp = fopen($filepath, "w+")){    fwrite($fp, $content);    fclose($fp);  }  else { return false; }  return true;}//// load a tab seperated text file as array//function load_tabbed_file($filepath, $load_keys=false){  $array = array();  if (!file_exists($filepath)){ return $array; }  $content = file($filepath);  for ($x=0; $x < count($content); $x++){    if (trim($content[$x]) != ""){      $line = explode("	", trim($content[$x]));      if ($load_keys){        $key = array_shift($line);        $array[$key] = $line;      }      else { $array[] = $line; }    }  }  return $array;}/*** Example usage:*/$array = array(  "line1" => array("data-1-1", "data-1-2", "data-1-3"),  "line2" => array("data-2-1", "data-2-2", "data-2-3"),  "line3" => array("data-3-1", "data-3-2", "data-3-3"),  "line4" => "foobar",  "line5" => "hello world");// save the array to the data.txt file:write_tabbed_file("data.txt", $array, true);/* the data.txt content looks like this:line1 data-1-1 data-1-2 data-1-3line2 data-2-1 data-2-2 data-2-3line3 data-3-1 data-3-2 data-3-3line4 foobarline5 hello world*/// load the saved array:$reloaded_array = load_tabbed_file("data.txt",true);print_r($reloaded_array);// returns the array from above
